Movie company «Tsar» The movie company thanks and expresses deep gratitude for helped to creation feature film «The Moscow heat» |
«The first channel» Gratitude for the good organization and greater work on a safety
«National mark» Gratitude for cooperation in carrying out of Annual Ceremony of delivery of the National Premium of National Mark |
The Viennese ball Gratitude for participation in carrying out of the Viennese Ball in Moscow |
Radio station «Silver rain» Radio station «Silver rain» expresses profound gratitude for magnificent partnership and for the help in carrying out of ceremony «A Silver Galosh» |
The world festival of tea The diploma for active participation in the organization and carrying out of the world festival of tea |
Devoted to decade «The master» The diploma for the help and support in the organization of festival «Prometej» |
The Moscow International Film festival Gratitude for the help in the organization the Moscow International Film festival |
Radio station «Hit fm» Gratitude for a safety and for high qualities of given services
Radio station «Europe Plus» Gratitude for high quality of work during carrying out celebratory actions, devoted to decade «Europe Plus» |